General Info and Registration

Join Us for Summer Camp 2025!

Camp Hours


Camp is closed on Thursday, June 19th and Friday, July 4, 2025


by ACTIVE Network


Click the "register" above to register online. Health forms will be available on your registration account. Please complete and upload the finished forms to your account before the first day of camp.

PRICING: Per Session

Earlybird Discount - 5% tuition discount if paid in full by May 1st. Use code EARLYBIRD at checkout!!!

Crafty Kids Weeks 1: 6/16-6/20 - 4 days. no camp 6/19

Full Day: $265 ($250 Member)

Mornings Only: $140 ($130 Member)

Crafty Kids 2: 8/18-8/22

Full Day: $330 ($315 Member)

Mornings Only: $175 ($165 Member)

Session 1: 6/23-7/3 - No camp 7/4
Full Day: $565 ($540 Member)

Mornings Only: $300 ($285 Member)

Session 2, 3 or 4 (price per session): Session 2: 7/7-7/18, Session 3: 7/21-8/1, Session 4: 8/4-8/15
Full Day: $625 ($600 Member)

Mornings Only: $330 ($315 Member)

Summer Camp Tuition Payment Conditions and Other Information:

-A $100 non-refundable deposit (per session, per child) is required to secure all registrations and will be credited towards the total amount due.

-Full payment must be received by June 6th for Crafty Kids 1 and Sessions 1&2; by July 11th for Sessions 3&4 and Crafty Kids 2. No camper may attend if full fees are not paid.

-Refund policy: 2 weeks or more prior to the start of session, 50% refund on your fully paid tuition. No refunds thereafter. We regret that we cannot provide refunds for time missed due to a change in plans, family vacation or a child's illness. Cheltenham Center for the Arts does not prorate for camp.

-Picture Policy: Upon registration families give permission to the Center to publish student photographs in print or on the web for fundraising and press purposes.

-Covid Policy: Upon registration families agree to abide by all current Center Covid policies and restrictions. Click HERE for details. 

Our age groups are limited in size to provide a quality program. Camp fees include all supplies, swimming, workshop/programming fees and T-shirt. Fees incurred to CCA from returned checks (NSF) are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Cheltenham Center for the Arts' staff, faculty and counselors do not disburse or handle prescription or over-the-counter medication and are not trained to care for special needs children. Parent/guardians are required to complete our camp medical forms amd discuss any physical/behavioral concerns prior to the start of camp.

POOL TRIPS TBD, pending township updates.

Conklin Pool is a 5-minute bus ride away, and provides supervised free swim for our full-day campers each Wednesday afternoon. The pool is life-guarded and counselors are in each part of the pool to supervise. Pool trips during Sessions 1-4 only. No pool trip 7/2. Please remember to provide your child with a pool towel, bathing suit and sunscreen.


The Center provides a snack for the five to six year old campers during the camp program and for all After Care campers.


Full day campers should bring their own lunch, clearly labeled, in a brown bag or lunch box. Lunches can be refrigerated. In good weather, lunch is eaten outside on the Art Center’s grounds.


Campers should dress for the sometimes messy work of active art projects. Smocks and towels for the pool should be marked with your child's name. On scheduled swim days, please send bathing suits and towels. We will change at the Center before going to the pool.


There will be an exhibition reception and performance on the final Friday of each session from 2-3pm. 

Our program is staffed by Art Center faculty chosen for their ability as artists and teachers. Camp counselors are of college age and are hired based on their previous experience with children and art education. Click here to review job information and how to apply. Junior counselors are of high school age (14-17) and are considered counselors-in-training who work on a volunteer basis. Click here to download and print an application. The staff to child ratio is between 1:8 and 1:10. Each session can accommodate up to 45 children.


The Cheltenham Center for the Arts is located at 439 Ashbourne Road, Cheltenham, PA 19012. The facility includes spaces dedicated to children's classes and camp for 2-D work, 3-D work, and ceramics, as well as use of our theatre. Students are taught the safe use of appropriate equipment under careful supervision. The Bernard H. Berger theater seats 100 and is used for some classes and for performances.  The theater and studio spaces are all air-conditioned: the large gallery space which is occasionally used is not air conditioned. The Center is adjacent to the lovely Tookany Creek Park.


by ACTIVE Network