The Cheltenham Printmakers Guild Open Studio

June 09, 2024
Cheltenham Printmakers Guild Member are free, $10 for non-members (collected the day of attendance)

Cheltenham Center for the Arts
439 Ashbourne Road
Cheltenham, PA 19012

The Cheltenham Printmakers Guild Open Studio will be in the print studio, one Sunday of every month.

Artists will be working on a collaborative project with an exhibit at CCA to show the work. This will be a nice way to utilize the printmaking studio and have more interaction as members creating prints. There will also be time to work on other projects during your studio time.

There is no charge for Cheltenham Printmakers Guild members and a $10 fee for non-members. Space is limited. 

Please sign up using this email: Please put Sunday Print Studio in the subject of the email.

Upcoming Dates 2023-2024:

October 1

October 29

November 19

December 17

January 21

February 11

March 10

April 14

May 5

June 9

July and August: Summer break