New! Glaze Technology

Winter 2024/2025 Classes / Ceramic Arts

The body of knowledge surrounding glazes can be thought of as a fusion of art and science with endless possibilities. To mature as a ceramicist, students must move beyond simply applying provided glazes to understanding how glazes actually achieve the desired effect, so that one may develop their own special glazes that are part of their own working process. Why is it that layering some glazes yield spectacular results, while other layered glazes don’t? Why do some glazes “run”? What causes ‘pinholes” and “crawling”? What is it that actually makes a glaze a particular color, opacity, and texture?

Click here for materials list.

4-week class

*Clay may be purchased online with class registration or during office/class hours: $35 per bag of porcelain, $30 per bag of all other clay types with exact cash or check only. Clay will not be provided without payment.*

Course Details

Age Group: Adult

Jan 6 - Jan 27

Mondays, 1-4pm

Tuition: $150 (Members: $135)

Please click below to register for this class.

Course Instructor