Our 75th Annual Juried Painting Show will be on view at the Center from Sunday, April 8th to Saturday, May 5th, 2018. An opening reception and awards announcement took place on Sunday, April 8th from 2-4pm at the Cheltenham Center for the Arts. The juror for awards for this year's exhibition was Katherine Stanek of the Stanek Gallery in Old City Philadelphia.
Juror's Statement
My first objective as a juror is to distance myself from my personal aesthetic but not at the expense of my values. To me, a work of art, regardless of medium, must exhibit these three qualities; creativity, content, and craft. This is not to suggest that artworks not selected do not have any of these qualities. However, it is my judgement that the work selected exhibit these critical elements and the works awarded stand above with respect to my criteria.
Juror's Award - Ann Beatus, Brief Sanctuary
Cheltenham Center for the Art's Award - Colleen Hammond, Night Out
Alma and Albert Finestone Memorial Award - Larry Francis, The Hearing Garden
Barrie Miller Memorial Award - Hermine Winkler, Dreamer
Jerry C. Smith Memorial Award - Peter D. Schnore, Willowwood Spring View
Cheltenham Printmakers' Guild Award in Memory of Hitoshi Nakazato - Lorie Balistocky, Bird Lover
Roberta and Irving Portner Memorial Award - Caroline Stritzinger, Plant Maps
Honorable Mention - Rita Siemienski Smith, Dividing Line and Clear Choice
Exhibit Details
Gallery Hours:
Sunday April 8, 2018 - 2-4pm